Tap-Dance Behavior
A tap-dance key invokes a different behavior (e.g. kp
) corresponding
to how many times it is pressed. For example, you could configure a
tap-dance key that acts as LSHIFT
if tapped once, or Caps Lock if tapped twice.
The expandability of the number of bindings
attached to a
particular tap-dance is a great way to add more functionality to a single key,
especially for keyboards with a limited number of keys.
Tap-dances are completely custom, so for every unique tap-dance key,
a new tap-dance must be defined in your keymap's behaviors
Tap-dances are designed to resolve immediately when interrupted by another keypress. Meaning, when a keybind is pressed other than any active tap-dances, the tap-dance will activate according to the current value of its counter before the interrupting keybind is registered.
Defines the maximum elapsed time after the last tap-dance keybind press
before a binding is selected from bindings
Default value is 200
An array of one or more keybinds. This list can include any ZMK keycode and bindings for ZMK behaviors.
Example Usage
This example configures a tap-dance named td0
that outputs the number of times it is pressed from 1-3.
#include <behaviors.dtsi>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/keys.h>
/ {
behaviors {
td0: tap_dance_0 {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-tap-dance";
label = "TAP_DANCE_0";
#binding-cells = <0>;
tapping-term-ms = <200>;
bindings = <&kp N1>, <&kp N2>, <&kp N3>;
keymap {
compatible = "zmk,keymap";
default_layer {
bindings = <
The following image describes the behavior of this particular tap-dance.
Alphanumeric key press
bindings, like those used for td0
will release as soon as an interrupting key press occurs.
For instance, if a modifier key like LSHIFT
were to replace the N1
binding in the last example above, it would remain pressed until td0
binding is released and the output would instead be J
. Any following
alphanumeric key presses would be capitalized as long as td0
is held down.